121 Quotes & Sayings By Tahir Shah

Tahir Shah is a British writer, journalist, and documentary-maker. He has been a Senior Associate Editor at the New Statesman magazine since 2012, and has been a foreign correspondent in Brussels and Washington since 2008. He is currently a Visiting Fellow in Journalism at King's College London.

My father used to tell me that stories offer the listener a chance to escape but, more importantly, he said, they provide people with a chance to maximize their minds. Suspend ordinary constraints, allow the imagination to be freed, and we are charged with the capability of heighetned thought. Learn to use your eyes as if they are your ears, he said, and you become connected with the ancient heritage of man, a dream world for the waking mind. Tahir Shah
Once in a very long time you come across a book that is far, far more than the ink, the glue and the paper, a book that seeps into your blood. With such a book the impact isn't necessarily obvious at first..but the more you read it and re-read it, and live with it, and travel with it, the more it speaks to you, and the more you realize that you cannot live without that book. It's then that the wisdom hidden inside, the seed, is passed on. Tahir Shah
There comes a stage at which a man would rather...
There comes a stage at which a man would rather die cleanly by a bullet than by the unknown terror of the phantom in the forest. Tahir Shah
I was no longer troubled when he pulled out a...
I was no longer troubled when he pulled out a machete in a crowded bar, tried to pick up schoolgirls, or threatened to scalp us, then rip off our heads and scoop out our brains. Tahir Shah
In the world of the Machiguenga, sadness could be equated...
In the world of the Machiguenga, sadness could be equated with anger, and anger was a perilous emotion, by which a foreigner could lose his life. Tahir Shah
Enlightenment, and the death which comes before it, is the...
Enlightenment, and the death which comes before it, is the primary business of Varanasi. Tahir Shah
As a travel writer I've specialized in gritty, fearful destinations,...
As a travel writer I've specialized in gritty, fearful destinations, the kind of places that make a reader's hair stick on end. Tahir Shah
The quest for a lost city erodes your body, damaging you beyond all reason. But it is your mind that bears the heaviest toll. Listen to the doubters, the worriers and the weak, and the vaguest hope of success evaporates. Tahir Shah
Previous journeys in search of treasure have taught me that...
Previous journeys in search of treasure have taught me that a zigzag strategy is the best way to get ahead. Tahir Shah
I felt sure we could gain the upper hand by...
I felt sure we could gain the upper hand by putting ourselves in the mindset of the Incas. Tahir Shah
Contemplation is a luxury, requiring time and alternatives.
Contemplation is a luxury, requiring time and alternatives. Tahir Shah
Time spent in India has a extraordinary effect on one....
Time spent in India has a extraordinary effect on one. It acts as a barrier that makes the rest of the world seem unreal. Tahir Shah
The inertia of a jungle village is a dangerous thing....
The inertia of a jungle village is a dangerous thing. Before you know it your whole life has slipped by and you are still waiting there. Tahir Shah
The rain of Madre de Dios is similar to that...
The rain of Madre de Dios is similar to that of the Amazon, but there is a petrifying aspect to it, as if it seeks to wound rather than to nurture. Tahir Shah
There can be few situations more fearful than breaking down...
There can be few situations more fearful than breaking down in darkness on the highway leading to Casablanca. I have rarely felt quite so vulnerable or alone. Tahir Shah
Real terror is a crippling experience. You sweat so much that your skin goes all wrinkly like when you've been in the bath all afternoon. And then the scent of your sweat changes. It smells like cat pee, no doubt from the adrenalin. However hard you wash, it won't come off. It smothers you, as your muscles become frozen with acid and your mind paralysed by despair. Tahir Shah
Any man who has ever led an army, an expedition, or a group of Boy Scouts has sadism in his bones. Tahir Shah
Once in a very long time you come across a book that is far, far more than the ink, the glue and the paper, a book that seeps into your blood. Tahir Shah
When I am about to embark on a difficult journey, I comfort myself by reading the accounts of the great nineteenth-century travellers, men like Stanley, Burton, Speke, Burckhardt and Barth. Tahir Shah
For me, a journey to Damascus is an amazing hunt from beginning to end, a slice through layers of history in search of treasure. Tahir Shah
[T]hrough bitter experience I have learned that it is best to promise little and then to reward hard work with generosity. Tahir Shah
For me, nature is something you watch on the Discovery Channel, or on the evening news -- as you learn how much more of it's been savaged to make way for the Blackberry realm that is my home Tahir Shah
A cross between a foreign legion boot-camp and a secret-society initiation ritual, the ordeals were grounded in pain. One thing was obvious: the agenda, which was dedicated to grave discomfort, had been drawn up by a passionate sadist. Tahir Shah
There is nothing quite as unpleasant as wearing a pair of briefs which have been trailed through a Calcutta courtyard. Nothing, that is, except having one's elbows and knees lacerated by unseen slivers of glass and discarded razor blades. Tahir Shah
Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent. Tahir Shah
Close your senses and the imagination comes alive. It's inside us al, dulled by endless television reruns and by a society that reins in fantasy as something not to be trusted, something to be purged. But it's in there, deep inside, a spark waiting to set a touch-paper alight. Tahir Shah
Running an expedition can bring out the worst in a man. It can make you a power-crazed monster. Tahir Shah
Experience has taught me the power of trophies. You may have every knick-knack and useless contraption ever devised, but while they weigh you down, a simple trophy can go a long, long way. Tahir Shah
Osman and Prideep had been in my employment for some weeks. Every Friday I would take the to lunch. It was the high point of their calender. During the meal I would harangue them as a reminder of what they had been hired for: but my orations never seemed to increase their output. I realised later that, in the East, a commitment to produce does not automatically accompany employment. Tahir Shah
In India an explanation is often more confusing than what prompted it. Tahir Shah
Believe, and what was impossible becomes possible what at first was hidden becomes visible. Tahir Shah
On a hard jungle journey nothing is so important as having a team you can trust. Tahir Shah
The last thing we wanted was for the Machiguenga to be sad again. Sadness appeared to bring out their violence. Tahir Shah
To Succeed, you must reach for the stars, and let your imagination find its own path Tahir Shah
We had the kind of conversations that only great friends can ever share. They were touched with magic. Tahir Shah
The very fact that a Frenchman was prepared, after tow minutes of conversation, to be so friendly towards anyone, especially one who had come from England, made me restless. Tahir Shah
Move to a new country and you quickly see that visiting a place as a tourist, and actually moving there for good, are two very different things. Tahir Shah
Usually, there is nothing more pleasing that returning to a place where you have endured hardship. Tahir Shah
The idea of my heart dancing with delight was far too good to pass up. Tahir Shah
Lured by the wilderness, and by the chance of spotting rare desert elephants, a few intrepid tourists make their way to the Skeleton Coast each year. It's just about as remote as any tourist destination on earth, but one that pays fabulous dividends. Tahir Shah
On a harsh expedition, there's no space for anyone who does not intend to finish. Tahir Shah
It was an awkward moment. We were burning down our host's house, a situation which any guest seeks to avoid. Tahir Shah
In moments of great uncertainty on my travels, I have always felt that something is protecting me, that I will come to no harm. Tahir Shah
In some peculiar way, indeed, the rules were now beginning to seem quite logical. It was then I knew that I had been in India long enough. Tahir Shah
A little imagination goes a long way in Fes. Tahir Shah
I believe that Marrakech ought to be earned as a destination. The journey is the preparation for the experience. Reaching it too fast derides it, makes it a little less easy to understand. Tahir Shah
There's nothing like a pack of mules to give one a sense of entourage. Tahir Shah
As anyone who's ever taken an Ethiopian bus knows, there is an unwritten rule that the windows must remain firmly closed. Tahir Shah
I had learned years ago never to give original documents to anyone if I could help it. Tahir Shah
One senses that, in these conditions, no amount of wet-wiping could bring true hygiene. Tahir Shah
A journey of observation must leave as much as possible to chance. Random movement is the best plan for maximum observation Tahir Shah
Calcutta's the only city I know where you are actively encouraged to stop strangers at random for a quick chat. Tahir Shah
Where does one go in a tremendous city like Calcutta to find insider information? I recalled India's golden rule: do the opposite of what would be normal anywhere else. Tahir Shah
The mere mention of the Farakka Express, which jerks its way eastward each day from Delhi to Calcutta, is enough to throw even a seasoned traveller into fits of apoplexy. At a desert encampment on Namibia's Skeleton Coast, a hard-bitten adventurer had downed a peg of local fire-water then told me the tale. Farakka was a ghost train, he said, haunted by ghouls, Thuggees, and thieves. Only a passenger with a death wish would go anywhere near it. . Tahir Shah
Back at the Chateau Windsor there was a rat-like scratching at the door of my room. Vinod, the youngest servant, came in with a soda water. He placed it next to the bag of toffees. Then he watched me read. I was used to being observed reading. Sometimes the room would fill like a railway station at rush hour and I would be expected to cure widespread boredom. Tahir Shah
Foras Road has a sordid reputation (…) Old crones sat in doorways, while their daughters were pushed out to earn money. It is intriguing that a society which is very covert with sexuality should be so straightforward about prostitution. Tahir Shah
Inscribed on it was a verse from the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam, the eleventh-century Persian mystic. Reading the words aloud I prepared for a most amazing journey: The sages who have compassed sea and land, Their secret to search out and understand, My mind misgives me if they ever solve The scheme on which the universe is planned. Tahir Shah
I was becoming addicted to Bombay. There was squalor and poverty, but I had begun to realise my good fortune and would never again forget it. Tahir Shah
The ancient paused for a moment, as if his strength were failing. Yet I sensed that there was more to tell. Looking deep into my eyes, he whispered: 'The Gond kingdoms have fallen, their people live dispersed in poverty: the teak trees and the jungles have been cleared... but the importance of the Gonds must not be forgotten! Tahir Shah
Real travel is not about the highlights with which you dazzle your friends once you're home. It's about the loneliness, the solitude, the evenings spent by yourself, pining to be somewhere else. Those are the moments of true value. You feel half proud of them and half ashamed and you hold them to your heart. Tahir Shah
I struggled to think pure thoughts, as Hector sucked out my psyche with his eyes. Tahir Shah
The ability to tell a good route from a terrible one is a valuable skill when leading an expedition. Unfortunately for us all, it was a skill I did not possess. Tahir Shah
As the head of an expedition, you can't pussyfoot around being polite to everyone. You have to show your teeth once in a while; a little growling goes a long way. Tahir Shah
Searching for a lost city is a particularly European obsession. Tahir Shah
Through a strange kind of geographic arrogance, Europeans like to think that the world was a silent, dark, unknown place until they trooped out and discovered it. Tahir Shah
There are two ways to find a lost city. The first is to rely on luck alone, the second is to control all the information. Tahir Shah
Exploration is a dirty game. Tahir Shah
The situation was different in the jungle. Every inch of ground had to be earned, and was done so through much exertion with the blade. Tahir Shah
Normally I would have been the first to go in search of cannibal monks, particularly as I had heard of a similar tradition at a nunnery in the Philippines. It's the sort of quest I can't resist. Tahir Shah
Only a man who has his health, a full stomach and wears clean clothes would ever entertain the notion of tracking down the greatest lost city on Earth. Tahir Shah
In some warped way, having an embalmed body with us made perfect sense. Tahir Shah
Previous experience had taught me that any expedition marches on its stomach. Tahir Shah
The porters could always be coaxed to continue a little further through driving rain by the mere suggestion of a Pot Noodle at the end. Tahir Shah
Ours was not going to be a clone of the usual expeditions, oozing with sleekness. It was clear from the start that oddity was our advantage. Tahir Shah
My journey to the land of the Shuar tribe had taught me the importance of practical gifts. Tahir Shah
If hot food is they key to maintaining an expedition's stamina, then low grade gut-rot alcohol is the key to sustaining its sense of pleasure. Tahir Shah
Back at the guest house I tried to acclimatise. A travel-worn adventurer had once told me that leaning with one's head dangling over the end of a bed was the best way to achieve this. It was while I was in this position, the blood rushing to my temples, that the door swung open. Tahir Shah
Settling into a new country is like getting used to a new pair of shoes. At first they pinch a little, but you like the way they look, so you carry on. The longer you have them, the more comfortable they become. Until one day without realizing it you reach a glorious plateau. Wearing those shoes is like wearing no shoes at all. The more scuffed they get, the more you love them and the more you can't imagine life without them. Tahir Shah
My father used to say that stories are part of the most precious heritage of mankind. Tahir Shah
For my father there was no sharper way to understand a country than by listening to its stories. Tahir Shah
At the dealership, I pulled out the sieve and toyed with it threateningly. When the salesman was ready for me, I held it up, told him I was not a tourist and demanded a large discount. Tahir Shah
The ants are bad" The Bear"the ants?" Tahir" Do not be fooled. They look very small, so harm you don't think of then at all. Then years. Then one day you wake up, and your home has fallen down." Osman. Tahir Shah
A journey, I reflected, is of no merit unless it has tested you. Tahir Shah
Most journeys have a clear beginning, but on some the ending is less well-defined. The question is, at what point do you bite your lip and head for home? Tahir Shah
The first rule of an expedition is that everyone should stick together. Tahir Shah
A man who embarks on a journey must know when to end it. Tahir Shah
Previous journeys had taught me the danger of taking too much stuff. Tahir Shah
Spend sixteen weeks in the jungle and you being to question your own sanity, especially when you are the one goading everyone else ahead. Tahir Shah
There's nothing quite like a good quest for getting your blood pumping. Tahir Shah
As far as Samson was concerned I was just another foreigner in pursuit of a lunatic quest. Tahir Shah
The only thing they valued higher than ammunition were Man United footballs. Tahir Shah
In India everything has a use and a value. Tahir Shah
Stories are a communal currency of humanity. Tahir Shah
My father never told us how the stories worked. He didn't reveal the layers, the nuggets of information, the fragments of truth and fantasy. He didn't need to -- because, given the right conditions, the stories activated, sowing themselves. Tahir Shah
Respect was one thing. Survival was another. It was important that I kept my priorities in the right order. Tahir Shah
But in Africa bureaucrats are usually too proud to accept a bribe, something I admire when I'm not the one being arrested. Tahir Shah
The Occident has never found it easy to grasp the strange netherworld of spirits that followers of Islam universally believe exist in a realm overlaid our own. Tahir Shah
Venture to a remote corner of a faraway land and, from the moment you get there, every person and every thing becomes an obstacle, designed to entrap you, to stop you proceeding on your way. Tahir Shah
The taste for glory can make ordinary men behave in extraordinary ways. Tahir Shah
An intelligent enemy, ' he would say, stroking his beard as if it were a bristly pet, 'rather than a foolish friend.' Or, 'He learnt the language of pigeons, and forgot his own.' Or, the favourite of Jan Fishan Khan: 'Nothing is what it seems. Tahir Shah